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This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.



Every Water Skiing Ride: HISTORY of the List

History of the “Every Ride” List

It all started as a birthday stunt in 2004 inspired by my grandmother, Mary Murphy. She rode her hydrofoil to Catalina Island and back, a distance of 52 miles across open ocean, to celebrate her birthdays from age 79-88.



When it came time for my 40th birthday I decided to try […]

Adventures in Water Skiing, Hydrofoiling. Flight Hydrofoiling Newsletter.



I travelled the world as a water skier for well over two decades. Living out of a suitcase meant hundreds of restaurant meals with friends and business associates. Ever since I could remember I was a fan of simple magic tricks, brain teasers, and visual oddities that you could do at a table. […]

Kneed for Speed: Adventures in Water Skiing, Kneeeboarding


In 1978, at the Endo’s International Speed Skiing Championships, I witnessed kneeboarding insanity.

The site was the Long Beach Marine Stadium. I only remember the kneeboarder by his nickname, Dumbdee. He was a Long Beach local who talked the promoters into letting him have a speed run on his Tunnel Board. Just to […]

Tunnel Board. Adventures in Water Skiing, Kneeboarding


I made my first video appearance at 10 years old on another one of the early kneeboards. Tunnel Board was founded by my uncle Mike and Andy Remy. The gas crunch was over, and with that Mike and Andy opened two businesses at the same time in 1976. The first was Murphy’s Water […]

Glide Slide. Adventures in Water Skiing, Kneeboarding


In the early days of Knee Ski, Hulst asked Murphy to find another water skier to help with promotions. Murphy chose fellow skier John Taylor who was ready to go to work right away.6 But bringing John on board was jumping the gun. Murphy was still at work shaping the original test boards […]

A Turning Point. Adventures in Water Skiing, Kneeboarding

The UPS truck pulls to my house with a special delivery from HO Sports. I have been waiting for months, and I tear into the large box with great anticipation. A swash of primary colors covered in plastic emerges from the cardboard cradle. I’m ecstatic to see my new […]

Adventures in Water Skiing, Kneeboarding. Table of Contents, Preface, Acknowledgements & Photographers


Table of Contents, Preface, Acknowledgements & Photographers


A TURNING POINT – THE JOKER’S WILD – A vision quest with Herb O’Brien.

1: THE HISTORY OF THE KNEEBOARD – Waves, discs, and dreams.

2: KNEE SKI – The first production kneeboard by Mike Murphy and Bud Hulst.

3: GLIDE SLIDE – John Taylor creates the modern day plastic and foam filled board.

4: […]

History of Wakeboarding Timeline


Recently retired watersports “superdealer” Tommy Phillips has been given a higher calling to create the Wakeboarding Hall of Fame (WHOF).  People everywhere are sharing photos and stories from the early days. Along the way Tommy has contacted many key people around the world to help him turn his vision into a reality.



The Wakeboarding Hall of […]

How to Land with Style on a Ski, Wakeboard, Foil, & Kneeboard


Like any good story, book, or movie, your run on the water can have an entertaining start, middle, and end. My years as a show skier and long-time exhibitionist have taught me to squeeze every moment out of each run.

Today’s tip is how to bring some attention to your last splash. Most riders end their […]

Top 10 Water Ski Rides

Because I have skied on so many different things people often ask, “What is your favorite ride?”

So here’s the answer, and 9 more of my all-time favorites:


1. Sit-Down Hydrofoil: AKA Air Chair, Sky Ski, Next Foil.

My uncle Mike Murphy was the co-inventor of the original Air Chair in 1989, so the sit-down foil has been […]