This Is A Custom Widget

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This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

Sky Ski

/Tag:Sky Ski

Adventures in Water Skiing, Hydrofoiling. UNORTHODOXY



My mind was working to come up with another first in skiing that wouldn’t be quite as risky as new moves on the air board. I wanted to do a tandem flip on my Sky Ski. Not two people flipping separately at the same time – two people flipping on the same device. The Sky […]

Adventures in Water Skiing, Hydrofoiling. STAND UP GUYS. Air Board / Foil Board.



The first time I ever saw a stand up foil ridden like a wakeboard was in 1991 at Mike Mack’s place on the Parker Strip. Mack took a foil assembly from an Air Chair and mounted it to a Rusty surfboard. His first model did not have footstraps or bindings, and it was […]

Every Water Skiing Ride: HISTORY of the List

History of the “Every Ride” List

It all started as a birthday stunt in 2004 inspired by my grandmother, Mary Murphy. She rode her hydrofoil to Catalina Island and back, a distance of 52 miles across open ocean, to celebrate her birthdays from age 79-88.



When it came time for my 40th birthday I decided to try […]

Every Water Skiing Ride. MASTER LIST. Photos, Videos, History, and More.

Every Ride

Documenting rides on every known water skiing device, and then some.

73 Total

48 ridden by Tony Klarich


Evolution of the Every Ride List

Every Ride “Rules”

The List
Click hyperlinks on individual rides for info, history, photos, and videos. If you have info to document changes to this list I would love to hear from you! My goal is […]

Adventures in Water Skiing, Hydrofoiling. Sky Ski.



I think of Mike’s time running Sky Ski from 1997 to 2004 as the golden days of foiling. His shop was in Lake Elsinore, just minutes from our homes in Canyon Lake. Now Mike was free to let loose with all the innovations and new designs that had been bottled up inside him for […]

Adventures in Water Skiing, Hydrofoiling. You’re Fired.



The partnership between Bob Woolley and Mike Murphy at Air Chair was always a strained one. That was unfortunate because each man had a set of skills the other did not have, and together they had what it took to run a successful business.

Mike was the star and front man. He was already a […]

Adventures in Water Skiing, Hydrofoiling. Flight Hydrofoiling Newsletter.



I travelled the world as a water skier for well over two decades. Living out of a suitcase meant hundreds of restaurant meals with friends and business associates. Ever since I could remember I was a fan of simple magic tricks, brain teasers, and visual oddities that you could do at a table. […]

Adventures in Water Skiing, Hydrofoiling. Shoot To Kill



Everyone was excited for Air Chair’s first big video shoot. We all knew how important a promo video was to support a new product, and this one was sure to be hugely popular. Our base camp for the weeklong shoot was a rented houseboat on the shores of Lake Havasu, just a few […]

Water Skiing Memes. The Best of 2013 Slalom, Wakeboarding, Kneeboarding, Hydrofoiling, and More!

Here’s a little experiment…

You are free to repost these water skiing memes near or far.

I have no idea of whether or not this is gonna work, but I sure had fun making them.

Enjoy! -TK





















Adventures in Water Skiing, Hydrofoiling. Air Chair.



It was the early summer of 1983, and I found myself in the midst of all the action while working full time for Mike at his “Ski Shop” on the Parker Strip of the Colorado River. Uncle Mike’s collection of rental equipment became the fodder for the next big breakthrough in foiling. […]