Lately I’ve been thinking about all the ways to get towed while water skiing.

Of course we have the standards – boat, personal watercraft, cable, and winch. But with the recent viral video of World Champion barefooter Keith St Onge getting towed by a seaplane, my creative thoughts have moved towards how many different rides there truly are.



So far I have gotten 5 different tows:

1. Man-power when learning to ski in 1969

2. Behind a ski boat – the mainstay

3. Cable skiing in Florida and northern California

4. Personal water craft all over the world

5. Wind power (kiteboarding) – although the rides have been short and sketchy so far

How many do you have?



140914 Dad Towing K2 Ski Skimmer

Like Father like Son – Teaching my son with “man power” , the same way I learned to ski in 1969

140914 Cory Roesler tows Mike Murphy Wake Kite

In the mid 1990s my uncle Mike (Murphy) hitched a hydrofoil ride behind Cory Roeseler, one of the earliest pioneers of kitesurfing.


My fascination with various tow methods started while doing research for my free eBook series Adventures in Water Skiing. I went through hundreds of issues of ski magazines from the late 1960s-2000 to build timelines and get documentation for references.

I ran across an article about a guy whose skiing life centered around trying different tow rides. He had already done a snowmobile and car, but his big dream was to get towed by a train. It got me thinking…


In recent years the unique rides found a footing in my brain as I posted photos and videos on facebook (Adventures in Water Skiing) and Instagram (@waterskierslife).


Wakeboarding (including hitting a ramp) Behind a Horse in the Surf  


The Classic Redneck Tow – a Backhoe!


Things have really shifted in high gear lately with my recent discovery of Pinterest and the creation of a new board with the same title of this post.

140914 Water Skiing behind Blimp Snowmobile helicopter

Riding Behind a Blimp, Snowmobile, Helicopter, and more…

<<CLICK>> for Pinterest Board: You Water Skied behind What?

^^^Photos, videos, and short articles.^^^



Tony Klarich Wacky Water Skiing CAn You Ride It Disc Paddle

While I will continue to push the limits of different things to ride ON, I think when the 50 for 50 is all over (summer, 2015) I might have to spent so time exploring different ways to ride BEHIND!




Adventures_In_Water_Skiing_Kneeboarding_Free_Tony_Klarich  Adventures_In_Water_Skiing_Hydrofoiling_Free_Tony_Klarich

Adventures in Water Skiing is a series of eBooks recounting the history of water skiing. It includes dozens of classic photos and links to related videos.



Chris Morrison Keth Saint Onge Barefoot helicopter

Helicopter shot courtesy Chuck Gleason,


Chris Morrison (Instagram) (Featured Athlete for Action Horizons Stunts)


Keith St Onge (Instagram)