When I first announced that I was giving away my best water ski photos for free personal and commercial use under the Creative Commons 3.0 License, my friends and family thought it was a little nuts. But I figure it’s better to have these images out in the world than collecting dust in a filing cabinet or buried somewhere in iPhoto. I recently learned that Dick Pope, Sr. – the mastermind behind Cypress Gardens – used the same technique to promote the Gardens. Most towed waterspouts enthusiasts have seen those old time photos of guys and girls on colorful skis – well most of those came from Dick Pope, Sr.
These photos are 100% free for personal or commercial use with a simple attribution. Details on use of these photos, and links to higher resolution images without a watermark are available HERE. (Free Stuff > Free Photos)
So here’s to hoping that a few of these photos can become the new classics…
A Cooler Ride: Ice chest water skiing has become a crowd favorite.
Taking a Turn: Mounting a GoPro on this homemade handle-cam has provided some unique angles.
Up From the Deep: A deepwater start on a bare piece of wood. Paling = 1x4x5’6″ wood with no fin or bindings.
On the Table: Grandma’s picnic table make a fun ride. Thanksgiving will never be the same…
Off-Line: The artsy end of a slalom ski run.
FreeRiding: Throwing a slalom ski 180 in the flats.
Stepping Up. A bird’s eye view atop the Body Glove disc and ladder.
Clowning Around: Pukie the Crossfit mascot rides a plyo box.
Oh Baby! Diaper wearing daredevil…
Follow me on Instagram @waterskierslife